You seek acceleration of a complex urban renewal or a transition with various stakeholders?

CLC Company excels at this.

We wholeheartedly work on creating neighborhoods where people happily stay.

We lead renewal processes in existing neighborhoods based upon our understanding of the matters at hand and of the dynamics. We know the multi-facet challenges that come together in one neighborhood: economics, social network, housing, nature, infrastructure, health… We create one process that transparently includes bottom-up ideas, design, specialist expertise, financial analysis and formal decision-making.

You’ll meet us both formal in the council room as well as enthusiastic and creative working in the process. Our creativity is specifically endless when it comes to getting-it-done.

Happy cities

We live in an extraordinary era. On the one hand everything seems possible. At the same time we experience the restrictions of (the results of) our own thinking system.

We are called to use our energy and mind power to create a really true story for our lives. We have to ask ourselves: what do we truly value in our daily environment?

How can we use knowledge and expertise to create neighborhoods that are resilient and that contribute to happiness of its inhabitants?

What we do

Since the year 2010 our work has grown into involvement in the various aspects of renewal and transition in existing neighborhoods in The Netherlands. An impression of our work:

  • Creating a vision for Almere's neighborhood ‘Haven’

  • Digital platform development housing stock

  • Workshop Dutch Construction Hackathon

  • Design thinking in ‘living and care’ in the neighborhood

  • Management workshop housing corporations

  • Program innovation building companies

  • Acceleration program innovation building companies



Extensive projects:

  • Urban renewal Almere Haven
    Director/program manager
  • Housing atelier Almere
    Project leader innovation ‘housing and care’
  • Next Co-Motion, digitalisation in housing
  • Coaching owners association in their energy ambitions
  • Acceleration program energy transition Energiesprong
    Program lead for creating a movement and innovation
  • Grassroot initiative Singeldingen
    Community management


CLCCompany, after 25 years, now consists of a small core team and is co-working with young interns and with a wide network of related specialized companies whenever a project demands more capacity or expertise.